The United Media Guild is holding a Local meeting April 24 at the Dubliner at 1025 Washington Ave. Doors to the event open at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at roughly 6 p.m.
The meeting is open to members in good standing. Free appetizers, beer and wine will be served.
Here is the business to be addressed:
- Reading of the minutes from our previous Local meeting.
- UMG financial report.
- Seek nominations for and elect members to the St. Louis Labor Council.
- Seek nominations for and elect members to the UMG’s Trial Board.
- Business Representative’s report.
- Award service pins.
- Give UMG awards for group Solidarity, Steward of the Year, Activist of the Year and Guilder of the Year
- Call for any new business.
- Vote on the UMG by-law revisions.