November 1, 2011
To read the previous posting on this subject. click here: As regular readers know, our local has been involved in federal litigation since late 2008 - when Lee Enterprises notified those who had retired under the old (blue)...
Lee delays, countersues, files backwards class-action suit, does somersault, falls down rabbit hole
July 5, 2011
Earlier this month, in our case involving the yellow contract retirees, Lee – after receiving several extensions – finally replied to our motion. They did this several ways. First, they counter-sued and seem to want to get a decision under...
Continuation of Health Care Coverage
June 6, 2011
Thanks to Suzanne Thomas, senior PR coordinator of eHealth Inc., who submitted this information to one of our members. Here are some tips to ride out unemployment while keeping your health insurance: First, check to see if you can get...
June 6, 2011
Minimize the harm - Maximize the money in your pocket With unpaid furloughs coming up, there are some things of which everyone should be aware. You can collect unemployment during a furlough week. Here’s how it works: First, you must take...