Elisa Crouch wins Terry Hughes Award
February 27, 2014
St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Elisa Crouch received the 2014 Terry Hughes Award from the United Media Guild during a reception Wednesday night. A panel of former Hughes Award winners selected her work for this honor, given annually by the UMG...
Rumor Control (STL Post Dispatch Unit)
November 15, 2013
There's a rumor circulating that Lee plans to cut pension benefits. Retirees are calling the Guild to ask about it. Here's the truth: Lee can't cut our pension benefits. That would be illegal. Even if Lee goes broke, we won't...
Post-Dispatch business writer Jim Gallagher weighs in on the announced changes to Lee’s 401-K
August 30, 2013
Fellow Guild members and Lee employees: The Guild has been getting a lot of questions from members about changes to our Lee 401(k) plan. I write our Sunday personal finance column at the Post-Dispatch, so I thought I might share...
September 26, 2012
Guild retirees should be interested to know that, today, we were informed that Lee is mailing out settlement checks to our 248 retirees who were part of the retiree medical lawsuit. You should also be aware that all living retirees...
August 30, 2012
Attention Guild retirees: Today we hit 90%, which means that the settlement will move forward. Thanks to everyone who helped reach out and locate some of their gone-to-ground former co-workers. And a huge shout out to Mary Casey, who has...
Settlement in retiree medical lawsuit – mailing and meetings to follow
August 4, 2012
The United Media Guild, TNG-CWA, Local 36047, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, LLC and Lee Enterprises, Incorporated, have reached a settlement regarding the Guild’s claim for vested lifetime retiree health care benefits. The parties believe the settlement is a fair one...
August 3, 2012
This past Friday, 13 unlucky Guild members, along with five managers and five production workers, were part of yet another round of cuts at the Post-Dispatch. As is getting to be the routine around here, the layoffs occurred mere...
May 2, 2012
Whew, what a long day! As reported earlier on this site, the Guild entered court-mandated mediation yesterday to explore the possibility of reaching an understanding with Lee Enterprises regarding our lawsuits (blue and yellow contract retirees) regarding lifetime medical...