Farmworker Justice employees announce Mission Statement

We, the staff employees of Farmworker Justice, are asking FJ to
voluntarily recognize us as unionized staff under the United Media

We want to improve transparency and communication between
management and staff regarding policy changes that impact all of us.

We want to create an equitable workplace where all people—regardless of
their gender, race, religion, sexuality, age, disability, or job level—feel
they are heard, respected, and paid fairly.

We want all staff to be able to meaningfully contribute to decisions that
affect us. As policies governing health, pay, and quality of life at work are
undergoing review, FJ employees deserve a seat at the table.

We are committed to the work we do, and we believe in Farmworker
Justice’s ability to foster a work environment that reflects the
organization’s core values.

While we fight for stronger labor protections for farmworkers, we believe
FJ should recognize its own employees’ decision to organize and
advocate for themselves.

In solidarity,

FJ Staff Union